Pathway to Ascension

a. Pathway to light series
b. Pathway to transcendence
c. Ascension Rays initiation
d. Ascension Reiki
e. Channelled Light language codes and Symbols

Gratitude to all Ascended masters and David Joshua stone for channeling golden ascension keys and bringing us techniques to ascend and cosmic home map.

With the deepest love, gratitude and infinite grace, I clearly activate the energies & attunements of Golden Ascension Rays,
Lightarian rays and Ascension Reiki.
May this activation benefit all beings.
May the light of Reiki shine upon all of us
“Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.”

What does Ascension mean to you?
Who am I? Who am I trying to be?
Where is the need to Ascend coming from?
& most importantly Ascend to where?

Home is where heart is. Journey of life has been so long and we have forgotten both home and heart. Through the eyes of the soul you realize that you are immortal being that cant die but simply be free. Free from all the limitations and barriers. The journey begins with closing your eyes and wandering within, navigating the breath to the depths of your existence. Ascension healing and reiki will Clear, Empower, Heal, Activate, Manifest and Re-Connect with Source.

The journey of Ascension will help you raise your light quotient and transition from earth body to light body. Your solar angels, Masters and guides will meet you and be with you. Angelic beings will sound celestial notes of ascension around you. You will be able to clearly see their light and hear their songs of love and joy. For the first time ever-you will know yourself as who you really are—a soul of transcendent light and infinite beauty—a point of light within a brighter light. 

Contact us for booking