Invocation to connect with energy of Masters and Guides-Building meditation grid with GOD’s energy.
Repetitive chanting of the names of God, mantras, and the words of power is one of the most ancient and important spiritual practices. It is a must for all aspirants to add this to their daily spiritual practice in some form. A universal collection of the names of God and mantras will fill you with a God intoxication if you use them regularly. Create an energetic grid with God names and mantras for everyday protection, clearing, and healing.
Now the benefits of this practice are unbelievable. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says where you go when you die depends on the last thought in your mind. So how does one remember to chant God’s name with fading breath? Krishna provides answers to this query by emphasizing on continuous repetition, remembrance, chanting and visualizing any of God’s forms, names, and mantras. This is one of the main keys to spiritual success. It will build spiritual force and purify, clean, and heal. When you meditate on His name you are programming God’s energy, perfection and love in your mind, heart, and soul with the ultimate goal of blending our individual consciousness with God- consciousness.
Before you sit in the meditation-
Invoke a beautiful pyramid filled with golden and violet light to surround your being and the entire auric field. Breathe in the violet and golden light, affirming we are clearing our energy and space of any unwanted energy and toxicity.

Then invoke any scared geometry like flower of life to add another layer of protection to your energy field. This will make for a powerful grid.
Invite all the Gods, Goddess, Masters, Guides, Angels and ascended beings as you feel inspired and guided.
I invoke the sacred energy of Creator, God, Divine Director, The Father and Mother aspect of the God, The God almighty, High Shekinah, MAP healing team, Great White brotherhood of light, Elohim’s, My I am Presence, I AM THAT I AM, Monad, Higher Self, Oversoul, Master Djwhal khul, Master Serapis Bay, El Moreya, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Master Lanto, Sananda, Surastra, Master Vywamus, Sanat Kumaras (our Planetary Logos), Lord Kuthumi, Melchior, Lord Maitreya (our Planetary Christ), Allah Gobi (the Manu), the Mahachohan (cosmic flame keeper), St. Germain, Lady Portia, Pallas Athena, Lord Melchizedek, Lady Venusa, Lady Leto, Helios & Vesta, Master Adama, Master Tomara, Children of light, my galactic family of starlight beings from Sirius, Lyra, Orion, Vega, Bevrecon, Andromeda, Lemuria, Atlantis, Telos, Titihuasca, Azez light beings, Blue and golden Avian light beings, Light beings from 7 astral heavens.
Take a moment to feel their presence. Breathe into your heart.
I call upon the energy and spirit of Maha Adi Shiva, Lord Ganesha, Lord Kartik, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma, the energy, and power of their trinity. I call upon Jesus, the Christ, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Mohamed, Lord Buddha, all the healing Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Master Avalokiteswara, Mother Quan-yin, Green Tara, White Tara, Golden Tara, Goddess ISIS, Pallas Athena, Lady of Andromeda, Goddess Maha-Kali, Bhagwati, Lakshmi, Saraswathi, Durga, energy and spirit of all the Shakti paths. I am connected with the sacred energy of all the masters and guides. All the gods and goddesses that I have called upon. I open myself to receive their light, love, healing and wisdom. I am willing to open, change and heal. I breathe in their energy.
I asked the wisdom, love, devotion and consciousness of the masters and guides who attained ascension, Nirvana on this planet, to connect with me and enlighten my path. I call upon Maha Avatar Baba Ji, Lehri Maharishi, Yogananda Ji, Sri Sai Baba, Lord Hanuman, Krishna, Rama, Guru Nanak, Sri Chand ji. I call upon you masters and guides. Enlighten my soul with the light that ignited your soul. I am ready to connect. With the deepest gratitude, love and honor in my heart-I am open and ready to receive. I am open and ready to receive. I am open and ready to see. As I chant and call upon the names of masters and guides. I can see them and feel their presence expanding around my being and entire energetic field.
I call upon all the Seraphim, Archangels, Celestial angels and Overlightening angels to bring forth their highest cleaning, clearing, and healing light. I call upon Archangel Michael, Faith, Gabriel, Hope, Raphael, Jophiel, Ariel, Azrael, and Chamuel, Haniel, Khamiel, Uriel, Nathaniel, Remiel, Ariana, Daniel, Jeremiel, Jophiel, Lavender, Melchizedek, Nathaniel, Raguel, Raphael, Raziel, Sandolphon, Seraphiel, Uriel and Zadkiel, Orion, Christiel, Sachiel, Sandalphon, Metatron, Lord Melchizedek, masters of Shamballa. I call upon you Angels to surround me. I am open to clear all that does not serve me. I am open to letting go of my own beliefs and patterns that hold me back. I am ready to receive healing.
I call upon unicorns, dragons, scared animals and plant spirits. I ask the most powerful healing energies of all the masters and guides that I have invoked to surround me and create the most powerful energetic grid. This light grid protects and heals me at all levels of my being. With the deepest love and gratitude. I’m grateful for the energy of the masters.
I ask the beautiful energy of Reiki and Master Mikao Usui to bring the healing energy of Reiki for my highest healing.
I asked to continuously be in this sacred grid, continuously receive the love light of my masters and guides for the next 24 hours. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Sit in silence and breathe ……. And enjoy the bliss!!
As I was finishing this article, I was surrounded by beautiful beings. Direct message/channeling from starlight beings from a distant golden galaxy:-
Dear earth beings, we are always here. Don’t ever think that we are not here. We are not listening because we are always here. We are always listening. We’re also listening to what you cannot hear in your own mind. Your ways of life and world are different than others. But we are all evolving. The more you connect with inner light, inner chant, the more you will hear and see. We bring you golden light. We bring you golden flame. We are waiting for the next major shift in energy. Many are awakening, more will awaken. We are here to help everyone. We will wait for those who are not ready to open up. We are here but you are not here. I’m looking at you, right within you. Can you look at your own self? The journey of soul has been very painful for some of you. We see your pain and hurt as well and we bring you love. Connecting to inner light is the way to expand the inner divinity.
There are no rules. Just keep your remembrance of God. Chant the sacred names and hymns. Meditate on your breath. Allow the walls of your own mind to wither away.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you to each Master, Guide. Angel, the Holy Spirit, the light beings, The golden frequency and golden light of the Galaxy.